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My main role as the Eastern Canada District Webmaster is to regularly update the district website: The maintenance of the website allow Key Clubs from all over Canada to be connected. This website provides resources, updates, and all the information regarding the Eastern Canada District.


Other tasks involves replying to emails and answering questions, contacting organizations, planning the district convention, attending regular skype meetings, attending Key Leader(leadership retreat), division wide meetings and district board meetings.



Our first overnight board meeting was held on May 29-31, 2015 at Crown Plaza Hotel, Kitchener.  This was the first time that all the board members from across Canada were able to meet in one place. We had a really busy schdule and had to prepare a presentation and report beforehand. To my surprise, we actually had a lot of work to do at the meeting. We began the initial planning for the district convention, delegated tasks for the next few months, and filmed a lot of promotional videos that will be released through our Youtube account. 


As a leader, I worked on my ability to adapt to new situations and my public speaking skills. Meeting new people in a new environment meant that I had to really listen to others and be engaging in conversation. We made a lot of new memories and I find those moments to be very valuable because we can reflect on them now. As for public speaking, we filmed a lot of videos and I had many opportunties to speak up and give presentations.


We also held our winter board meeting at Crown Plaza Hotel from December 19-21, 2015. This meeting was very much like the first, but everyone was delighted to be reunited again. This time, we focused on logistics regarding next term's board election, filming a promotional video, preparing and making the script, and dividing up the tasks for DCON. 


Because DCON will be held in Waterloo this April, I am taking on a lot of tasks(and responsibility). This board meeting showed me how important it is for leaders to have accountablity and do what they say they will do. Because we are all separated across Canada, it is crucial that we take initiative to get our tasks done and communicate our progress regularly through email or skype meetings.

69th Annual DCON

We finally held DCON from April 1-3, 2016 at Crowne Plaza Kitchener. The board members were required to attend 2 days earlier to get organized and set up. DCON was an indescribable experience and I know I made many new lifetime friends. I interviewed and chose the new District Webmaster to take my place. This was truly a bittersweet experience as I ended off my term as a part of the District Board. Key Clubbers have become my second family but I am so excited to see where we all go next. It is no exageration to say that time in Key Club was unforgettable and it changed who I am as a person. 

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