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Director of MASH

An unmet need in my school was a program in place where students help each other. Both having had a tutor and having tutored others throughout high school, I realized how helpful a program like this would be. This is the reason why I took part in creating MASH, which stands for Math and Science Help. This club connects students who want to tutor with others looking for help.



As Director, I worked really hard during summer to allow this club to successfully start  from the beginning of the school year. Because this is a new club, I put a strong focus on branding the club to make it known. In fact, my goal is not just to make it known, I want this club to become a stable part of our school. To start off, I designed our club logo, banner, and business cards. I made all the promotional material so that these resources can carry forward for future years.


Furthermore, I took part in Grade 9 Night and Parent-Teacher Night to introduce this club to parents and organized MASH's involvement in our school's Club Extravaganza, making the club known to students. I coordinated announcements, a bulletin board, and posters around the school to spread the word. I also assisted in the initial screening  process for new tutors by helping hold tutoring workshops and mock tutoring sessions.


Through these actions, students are now aware that they have an amazing resource right in their school when they need help. Students who wish to be tutors are also able to get volunteer hours and tutees can receive the help for free. MASH provides the platform to enrich the academic lives of SJAM students. It also eases the worry of teachers and parents because they now know that their student or child has a place to seek help whenever they need it, from other students who understand and care about success.

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