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The following are organizations or places around the community that I have volunteered for.

I used to volunteer every week as a Recreational Assistant at Clair Hills Retirement home. It is different working with seniors because you need more patience and a lot of communication skills. Sometimes, our jobs even included washing dishes, putting painters tape on stairs, and going door to door to deliver flyers etc. Miscellaneous tasks gave more experience as well.

Ray of Hope Community Kitchen

As part of the Global Issues club, we volunteer several times per year by making and serving dinner for everyone who visits the shelter that day. I find this a great bonding experience within the club and it's really nice to see our hard work pay off.

Clair Hills Retirement Home

I have volunteered numerous weekends to plan and teach Sunday School.

KW Living Water Church

I have also volunteered two summers to be a summer camp assistant for the one week camp.

Heart and Stroke Canvassar

KW Korean Presbytarian Church

I went door to door around neighbourhood to spread awareness about heart disease and collect donations. It was fun chatting with some of my neighbors. Some people were mildly annoyed but one woman I visited told me that "...her son was once a canvassor so now, she always happily donates because she knows it's not an easy job". I found that especially amusing so it was a good overall experience practicing my public speaking skills and facing repeated rejections for a good cause.










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